That's the Herpes talking.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I think I'm officially moving from Blogger to Wordpress.

I haven't 100% decided yet, but I do like Wordpress' features quite a bit more. The one thing that does kind of annoy me, is that you can't edit CSS to customize the look of your theme. At least, not at the 'hosted' site (or you can, you just pay for it). But I've lately been thinking a lot about doing my own website again, which basically eliminates that issue.

I've got Flickr for my pictures, Blogger/Wordpress for my blog, Twitter and Tumblr for my mini/micro blogging, a YouTube channel and a Vimeo account for my videos (Haven't uploaded anything to Vimeo yet... and may not ever, now that YouTube is more widescreen friendly, but YouTube is kinda bitchy if you put 'unauthorized' music in your video, maybe Vimeo is better?), and finally Facebook and MySpace (*shudder* I avoid that site like the plague) for keeping up with friends.

The problem is: I don't have them in one place, easily accessible. Hence the urge to want to do my own website again. I've never been a fan of how Flickr forces the 'photostream' on me, or anyone I send to check out my photos. With my own site, I can still use Flickr for the storage and maintenance, but also be able to design my own gallery page(s) to present my pictures as I want them presented. And of course with Wordpress, I can host my blog and redesign it to fit the rest of my site. And I can use RSS to feed my Twitter and Tumblr posts to my site. And embed mine or others YouTube/Vimeo videos. Facebook and MySpace I can live without being integrated (especially MySpace. Fuck MySpace).

So yeah, there's that. Wordpress has this awesome migration tool, that let me import all my Blogger posts, including comments. Genius. I could also import all my old LiveJournal posts, but ... no. I've got the ones I wanted to keep already in Blogger. So, for now, all new posts will be over at Wordpress. And if any of you are interested in switching too, they (Wordpress) make it super easy to do so, without having to give up your existing posts :)

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